Policies & Certifications

At Timesco we understand the impact we have on our supply chains, patients and the environment. For this reason we take our corporate responsibilities extremely seriously and embed them into all aspects of our business policies.
Patients are at the heart of our product portfolios, which is why it is hugely important to get it right as this can help both to improve and extend people’s well-being and lives. The consequences of getting it wrong can, at the very least, mean we inconvenience our partners in the medical professions. Therefore, we have a strong focus on getting our product portfolios right every time and this is precisely what drives our commitment to develop and consistently deliver medical devices of the highest quality that exceed clinical expectations. All aspects of our product design, manufacturing and testing processes are rigorously evaluated and amended to guarantee the highest level of quality and compliance.

This also links into our ethical commitments to our supply chains. Without “buy in” from our production and manufacturing sites, we simply would not be able to meet our responsibilities on quality and care to the people that our products are used on. We are accredited by international labour standards and are one of the few UK surgical manufacturers that meets LSAS (Labour Standards Assurance Policy) level 3 for our instrument and laryngoscope portfolios.

As a manufacturer of high-volume single-use devices, we understand it is essential to know the environmental impact we have as a company, and so during the development of all our devices we assess our environmental impact and constantly monitor it in order to be mindful of our planet. Materials, processes, supply chains, delivery methods and end of life policies all play a key part in the decisions on the products we make, how we make them and where. We comply with standards for REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) recycling and are currently taking steps towards accreditation for ISO 14001. Our company car fleet is specifically selected due to its low emissions and our head office has been built to have a low-energy footprint. Our processes are driven by a low carbon footprint policy and all packaging is designed to be low volume and from sustainable sources.
To find out more about our commitment to protect and enhance the environment, click here.

Finally, we understand that our corporate responsibilities are a journey. For this reason, we continuously look at ways to improve and reduce any negative impacts we may have.

Policies & Certifications